Good friends, the fact of leaving opened records implies detailing the interior, a work that I advise for the gratifying and enterteining thing that is,
-Tengo que hacer un mamparo para poner el deposito que no viene en el kit y separarlo de la zona del cokpit,,
-Que mejor forma que con el tutorial de federico collada para coger las medidas,,[....]-forma-interior-de-un-fuselaje.html
- I have to do a bulkhead to put the warehouse(deposit) that does not come in the kit and to separate it from the zone of the cokpit,
- that better form that with federico's tutorial collada to
-Se van realizando por separado al juntarlas el resultado es el que vereis, parece que queda bastante aparente,,ya me comentais,,,
-Now when I manage 3 parts for wiring, a similar deposit and part of the engine,
-They go to join them performing separately the result is what you will see, it seems that it is quite apparent, I comentais,,,
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